Fundraiser for Maggie 💜 tick season is here

Sadly, tick season is upon us again.

Maggie the greyhoundOne of our gorgeous young Greyhounds has just been hospitalised for 2 days/nights at Animal Emergency Services & treated for paralysis tick.

Thankfully Maggie is recuperating now & will soon be ready to find a loving home as a family companion.

To save her it cost us over $2800.

Her foster carer found the paralysis tick & took her immediately to her local Vet. She showed no symptoms & was sent home to be monitored.

After 24 hours with no signs of reaction they were feeling relieved, but 6 hours later she collapsed, & was rushed to the emergency vet.

Maggie was due for re-treatment of her monthly preventative in one week.

Please be vigilant.
Check your fur babies daily.

Read our article “TICK PARALYSIS So little, yet so deadly…”
by Dr Olga Lynn (Emergency & Critical Care Veterinarian)

If you would like to contribute to Maggie’s emergency vet care costs – please donate to
BSB: 012-745 A/C No. 3702 18402
with reference ‘Maggie’

Donations welcome >