Too many dogs! Unified response to inquiry into GRNSW

Community homing organisations, including FOTH, are signatories to a collective response to the terms of reference tabled for the inquiry into Greyhound Racing NSW.

We simplified it to the major issue – too many dogs.

We streamlined the request to reconsider the terms of reference to:

“1. Stocktake of the current backlog of greyhounds still in the industry, retired and awaiting homing.

2. A feasibility study regarding the sustainability of the industry if NSW were to introduce breeding caps to ensure that all dogs that the industry produces can be responsibly homed in a way that provides appropriate stimulation, enrichment and support for sentient beings.”

“Dr Brittan’s report reflected what we have been acutely aware of for many years: the rehoming rates will never be able to match the supply of greyhounds bred by the NSW industry.”


A damning report of welfare abuses reported by former Chief Vet of Greyhound Racing NSW, Alex Brittan, was recently tabled.

It was met with an announcement by the NSW state government that the industry welfare and integrity commission (GWIC) would lead an inquiry into GRNSW.

Brittan has said that the best chance of meaningful change would come from an independent inquiry, with public hearings and findings made public.

He rightly claimed that the NSW Premier’s statement which ruled out imposing a ban on greyhound racing, has reassured the racing community that it will be ‘business as usual’ regardless of the findings.

What then is the point of this inquiry if there is a foregone conclusion??

Isn’t it a conflict of interest to have the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission carry out the investigations into GRNSW and the numerous welfare breaches that occurred under their watch? An oversight of oversight?

The inquiry began Monday 22nd July and is set to run for 5 months, concluding on 13 December.

In this time another 2000 greyhound pups will join the desperate oversupply of dogs in the industry.

“In Dr Brittan’s own words: “Until the existing backlog of unrehomed greyhounds is acknowledged and addressed, it is utterly immoral to allow yet more greyhounds to enter this unsustainable morass of exploitation and suffering.”

The rationale behind the scope amendment, whilst providing for a reduced timeframe for the inquiry, is that unless the number of dogs being bred and discarded by the industry, and the incoming dogs awaiting the same fate, is measured and managed appropriately, no amount of welfare efforts will make any difference – the greyhound racing industry will not reform, or retain a social licence.

For the love of Greyhounds, please contact your local MP asap, in support of independent homing groups and our request for the scope defined in the Terms of Reference be revised.

It is the numbers of dogs, upon which this exploitative gambling industry is built, that is the insurmountable problem.

(Huge thanks to Sian Rinaldi for leading this submission.)