Biscuit deserved better
Everyone loves a Biscuit, right??
Grace, Mercy and Greyhounds: a poem by May Tompson
Greyhounds inspiring art and creativity again!
Remember Max?
Max is recovering well
Sugar’s sweet story
Sugar and her special bandanas
Max’s Medical Journey
Young Max was recently surrendered by his owner
Gracie Mae’s adoption happy tail
Cathy fell in love with Gracie Mae instantly.
Gracie’s best life starts now
8 year old Gracie finally finds her forever home
Foster Fail or Foster Failed?
Is Hunter’s destiny to be my foster fail, or has he already been foster failed?
Make a submission – Inquiry into Greyhound Racing NSW – DUE FRIDAY 13TH SEPT
Speak up for Greyhounds.. it's time for change!
Greyhounds & sustainable building… perfect!
FOTH are extremely grateful to have the support of Eco-Haus Australia.